A woman with Dystonia, despite of disability became a HERO - KNOWLEDGE POWER PH


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Sunday, April 8, 2018

A woman with Dystonia, despite of disability became a HERO

Human nature that you smell sense the of urgency. We always wanted the best in everything. Often we seek the grandeur over simplicity. Take on, manual TV to LED or telagram to internet. Tougher life it is! As the years goes by, life became complicated and more complex. But this Alforo family in Talicud Island, two hours away from Davao City, by boat ride never had the chance to smell the techy world and how it brings. No movements, eyes were remain ignorant. Metaphor aside, it was and it is!

Just to be fair, life is tougher, but how will your perspective turns the table? Always, the result, whether you like it or not, its a freedom of choice.

They live in Isla Talicud by boat two hours away from Davao City. Patricio, head of the family is a carpenter with no permanent employer. His wife, Bernardita, by accident two o her eyes now are blind.

Their daughter, Helen, 33 is a widow with 8 year old kid. Helen suffered Dystonia, a muscle disorder that makes it difficult for patients to control their movements, in her case is the head.

But what is more heart melting, her two brothers Jessie and Rey, who are afflicted with a more complicated case of Dystonia. Helen took the responsibilities to make sure that Jessie, Rey, her son and her mom Bernardita should be taken cared of, carefully and slowly.

It’s a rough life, but the Alfaros are hoping that help may come their way soon. For now, they stick together, tackle the problem as a family, and hope that one day, the powers that be will see your efforts, and hopefully luck will change.

For those who want to help the Alforos, you may deposit to:


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